0414 896 203

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Building Design and
Architectural Drafting

Accredited Building Designer


Rick Berry DESIGN

Accredited Building Designer specialising in residential alterations & additions, custom homes and granny flats in the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie region.
Rick Berry DESIGN offers a flexible and collaborative approach.

Featured Projects

What does
Rick Berry DESIGN
do best?

Residential Alterations and Additions for single and multi-storey homes.
Provides access to an established network of specialist consultants to co-ordinate and assists with Surveying, Engineering, Arborist, Bushfire and Heritage requirements.

Our Services

Rick Berry DESIGN offers a range of design and drafting services

Alterations & Additions

Rick Berry's strength is developing well resolved and practical design solutions using powerful 'Revit Architecture' software.

This approach greatly enhances communication providing 3D perspectives and 2D drawings for each stage of a project coming from an integrated digital model of the site and buildings.

New Dwellings

Natural sun light is the key to creating quality spaces with the right balance of summer shade and winter warmth.

This applies to open entertaining areas as much as quiet intimate spaces.

Older style homes with small courtyard gardens as much as modern open plan layouts with grand views all rely on using natural light to work well.

Decks and Renovations

More buildings can now be approved via faster State Government processes while traditional Council processes remain for everything else.

Understanding which process suits a project is important as the plans and documents required will differ.

Whether engineering, Council, or specialist reports, Rick Berry's consultative approach to addressing problems early, ensures well coordinated plans & documents with a successful approvals record.

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No obligation preliminary consultation
We strive to design-out problems
A highly flexible service
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